Life can get so busy. We get it–the mom hustle is real! But let’s talk about something that often takes a backseat in our keeping up with our families, careers, and more–stress. We’ve all been there, juggling a gazillion things while trying not to spill our coffee in the process.
In this roundup, we’re diving into the treasure trove of ABQ Mom wisdom to bring you our best stress management tips from over the years. Because let’s face it, stress is like that uninvited guest who crashes our mom party. We’ve got to manage it, so it won’t manage us.
Did you know that managing stress isn’t just about keeping your cool? It’s also about your heart health! Yep, to keep our hearts at their best, we’ve got to find ways to manage our stress levels.
Thank you to Lovelace Health System for sponsoring this Round-Up of Stress Management Resources.
February is American Heart Month, an important time to raise awareness about cardiovascular health. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States and can affect women at any age. But there’s good news: following a heart-healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk for heart disease. Lovelace wants to help you make heart health part of your daily routine. Below are several ways you and your loved ones can be proactive in maintaining a healthy heart:
- Incorporate healthy food choices, including limiting alcohol intake
- Prioritize movement and aim for 30 minutes of physical activity per day
- Manage your stress levels
- Quit smoking
- Stay up-to-date on your health screenings
- Know your blood pressure and check it regularly
Talk to your health care team about checking your cholesterol, triglycerides and being tested for diabetes.
It is never too early to start having conversations about your heart health. Visit or call 505.841.1000 for more information.