Ages & Stages

Keeping up with our kiddos during each stage of childhood.

I grew up thinking I hated board games. Cue groaning every time the Parcheesi board came out or the Monopoly box opened. However after I started dating my husband, I realized that is not true. The truth is now...
Your big kid needs a booster. Yes, really. You've been diligent about buckling your child in, first in their baby "bucket," then their convertible seat, and finally their booster. Now your little one is not so little anymore--he's over four...
I'm breastfeeding as I write this. Yes, I am breastfeeding my cranky 13 month old for two reasons. She settles down, and I have a moment to collect my thoughts. It's a win-win! March 20, 2016 is the first day I nursed...
My second baby latched on for an hour right after birth. I thought he was going to do so great at breastfeeding. Fast forward a few hours to the all too familiar pain coming in. And then the cracks in...
Have you seen Inside Out 2 yet? It was moving, and it reminded me of my preteen and teen years, struggling with those simple emotions as well as the more complex emotions. Those were the times when core memories were...
I am terrible at sports. In fact, I stink at anything remotely athletic. As a kid, I did not find youth sports enjoyable. The idea of a friendly family game of softball or soccer literally makes my stomach hurt....
I remember deciding on a theme for my baby shower. It was Oh the Places You'll Go! Dr. Suess themed because I have always loved Dr. Seuss books. And I love reading. It was a goal of mine to...
“When are you going to stop?”   “She is ready to be a big girl now.”   “You are babying her too much.”   “I can't believe you are still doing that!” First of all, let me start by saying breastfeeding is hard . . ....
It was a warm summer’s day. My kids and I were outside for our daily dose of vitamin D and vitamin N (nature!). My oldest son was playing on the swing set. I was picking weeds. And my youngest son...
Hey, mama. I see you. You're sleep-deprived. Running on empty with a total of five hours of rest last night. You're already three cups of coffee deep this morning. I applaud you for waking up when your alarm went...
Most days from my pre-mom working days blur together, but there's one conversation I remember well. It was with a coworker talking about how lonely her maternity leave was and how isolating new motherhood could be. She was happy...
One of the most exciting, yet stressful, things about being a new mom is creating a registry. Some items are fun and easy like pajamas, pacifiers, room decor, and toys. Other items are more stressful. I lost a lot...
Motherhood is all about seasons, but potty training season is my least favorite. I have successfully toilet-trained one child and we're in the thick of it with the second. When friends ask for my potty training advice, I look...
My son was born at the University of New Mexico Hospital where they have a Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention & Awareness Program.  As a part of that program, I watched a video titled "When Babies Cry" before I was...

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In + Around ABQ

5 Places to Donate Cribs and Beds in ABQ

Abq Moms know that babies don’t keep. They grow into toddlers and then into big kids, and then they keep getting bigger and bigger...