You may have heard the term "Geriatric Pregnancy"? Interestingly, it's now called "Advanced Maternal Age" (AMA). I guess that does sound better, but I still just say pregnancy. I am older--over 40 now--and I just had our fifth baby. In...
We just sat there and cried . . . in the booth at Chili’s . . . both of us . . . just flat out weeping. Our waiter came to check on us. We must have looked so...
It happened again the other day: the group of women I was sitting with started talking about the best age gap between children and asking each other when they were going to try for number two. They were sitting around...
The day after I saw those two pink lines on my pregnancy test, I threw up while eating my breakfast. "Well, I guess that's the morning sickness." I shrugged it off and figured it was nothing more than another...
Whether you are planning on a medication-free birth, or ready to sign your epidural consent the moment you walk in the door, having these tools in your pocket will be very helpful to you. I am a labor and...
Pregnancy and postpartum take a toll on your body and sometimes can be really painful and uncomfortable (but also really exciting!). One of the last things you probably think of doing is going to physical therapy. I know that...
Becoming a mom is the most beautiful experience. But no one tells you that you go through a mourning period called "matrescence." You spend nine (practically 10) long, hard months preparing for your special baby to come into this...
A doula is a great resource during pregnancy, birthing, and even postpartum. They offer both you and your partner support, serve as a resource and cheerleader, and can work in any birthing environment. Doulas can also support you through experiences...
Having a baby is such an exciting time, but the childbirth process can be scary and bring up so many questions. A childbirth class can help to reduce the fear of the unknown and overcome the overwhelm of information...
Fertility specialists are here to support women through all aspects of reproductive care. They are able to do fertility treatments, fertility preservation, treat uterine problems, and help with genetic diseases that can affect children. They can also help with...
Pregnancy comes with its own set of aches and pains, and chiropractic care is a great way to help take care of these. Not only can chiropractic care help the pain in your back, hips, and joints, but it...
There are so many different options for where to birth your baby, but so many people forget that birthing your baby in the comfort of your own home is an option as well. Homebirth offers many benefits to both...
Becoming a mother is one of the most special, but tiring experiences. There are many sleepless nights and moments of feeling like you are in over your head. Breastfeeding, for some, can add even more stress and anxiety to...
There are so many options for labor and delivery. Some people want a homebirth, some go to birthing centers, but perhaps the most traditional place to birth a baby is in a hospital delivery room. There are several labor...

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In + Around ABQ

5 Places to Donate Cribs and Beds in ABQ

Abq Moms know that babies don’t keep. They grow into toddlers and then into big kids, and then they keep getting bigger and bigger...