Clarissa Pritchett

Clarissa Pritchett
Clarissa is a wifey of 10 years and momma to 3 beautiful boys. She has lived in and out of Albuquerque since 2003. Clarissa loves Jesus, fitness, and all things healthy. (But she does love the occasional pizza, tacos, and chocolate donuts too.) On any given day, you most likely will catch her wearing yoga pants or rocking converse and superhero swag with her boys--even at church! She is a Medical Service Corps officer with 19 years of service, a Public Health Nutritionist, Health/Life Coach, Trainer/Fitness Instructor, Author, and Speaker. Like avocado, she is extra and has a Perfectly Posh business on the side.
End-of-Summer Strawberry Popsicles, ABQ Mom

End-of-Summer Strawberry Popsicles

These end of summer strawberry popsicles are a treat. Not only are they healthy and simple to make, but they are also vegan friendly! They taste good and are made with clean ingredients you...
back-to-school peanut butter protein balls, ABQ Mom

Back-To-School Peanut Butter Protein Balls

I love eating snacks with my kids. As mommas, we know the importance of keeping healthy snacks in the house with real food ingredients. One of my favorite snacks to make with the kids...

3 Easy Back-to-School Breakfast Ideas

Do you start skipping breakfast when the kids go back to school in August? I get it, momma! You have a full plate already with work and all the back-to-school madness. It can be...
lymphatic system

Why You Need to Take Better Care of Your Lymphatic System

We have so many systems in the body, but out of all of them, the one we tend to focus on the least is the lymphatic system. If you’re focused on creating a healthy lifestyle,...
Keeping Kids Healthy and Focused with Physical Activity

Keeping Kids Healthy and Focused with Physical Activity

As we are racing into the new school year keeping my kids healthy and focused so they can perform well academically is a priority of mine. From kindergarteners to college students, health and learning...
Where You’ll Find Hidden Sugars Lurking

Where You’ll Find Hidden Sugars Lurking

If you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle, you probably know to stay away from sugar. In fact, cutting refined sugar from your diet can result in faster weight loss, not to mention better...
renew health after antibiotics, ABQ Mom

How to Renew Your Health After Taking Antibiotics

Antibiotics might be unavoidable at times, especially when you have a severe infection that can't be treated with natural remedies. Prescribed antibiotics are usually very broad-spectrum. They are aimed at killing all the bacteria...
veggies breakfast

How to Sneak More Veggies on Your Breakfast Plate

The USDA recommends three servings of vegetables per day, but most of us were not reaching this daily goal even before the Rona showed up in our lives. So here are some easy ways to sneak...
pumpkin pie overnight oats

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats

Have you and your kids tried overnight oats yet? They are basically another way to make oatmeal. We love making breakfast recipes as a family that are simple and do not require cooking or...
mason jar soup, ABQ Mom

Mason Jar Soup in 5 Minutes

As the days get cooler, my motivation to meal prep starts to drop with the temperature. I prefer quicker meal ideas and almost anything I can make prep a mason jar. Moms frequently ask...
The Most Essential Fall Produce in Season Now

The Most Essential Fall Produce in Season Now

Grocery bills can add up when you are buying fresh fruit and vegetables that are not in season. It can get expensive because fruit and veggies that are not in season are outsourced from...
2011 Lakers Maternity Shoot 1

Keeping Our Love for Kobe Alive

It is the month of love and many hearts are still broken after the tragic loss of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Giana Bryant, John Altobelli, Keri Altobelli, Alyssa Altobelli, Christina Mauser, Sarah Chester, Payton...
recycling with kids, ABQ Moms, recycle

Love the Planet :: Three Ways To Recycle with Your Kids

You care about the future for your kids and as a mother, you already know the benefits of recycling for the future planet they will live in. You already know recycling helps us waste...

2 Healthy Pie Smoothie Recipes

My idea of an awesome Thanksgiving dinner is sitting down at the table with 2-3 pies in front of me with a festive colored fork and getting busy like it is nobody's business. Who...