It can be hard to navigate through all of the different features and options available while shopping for baby clothes. There is a lot that can go wrong between the cutesy outfits that will be worn once and then...
I have a shelf full of baby books. They range from the classic What to Expect series to books on training children in spiritual matters to books about potty training.  I'm expecting my fourth baby next spring, and my sister Emily is...
My first pregnancy was bliss. No sickness, pain, or discomfort. I went on with my life as it was, working as a teacher and enjoying our new home in Albuquerque. As I approached my due date, I was nervous about...
Cloth diapering was something I always wanted to do. My siblings and I wore cloth when we were babies, and one of my best friends was using cloth on her kids when I was pregnant with my first child....
Four months ago I became a mother for the third time. And as I began to experience firsts all over again, I realized something: I'm not the same mom I was. Of course, every child is different, but it's more than that....
"The days are long but mija, the years are so short." These were the words from a sweet little lady at the grocery store standing behind an exhausted first time mama in line. I was so frazzled & operating...
Does The New Year Call For More Sleep?  Most of us set goals for the new year; and if not goals, then things we want to change or focus on. For many parents, I hear that sleep is a major...
My son was born at the University of New Mexico Hospital where they have a Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention & Awareness Program.  As a part of that program, I watched a video titled "When Babies Cry" before I was...
I made a list of rules before I was even pregnant, and I was sure that I would not break them. I will not use a playpen— it’s like a baby cage! I’m not going to breastfeed. It will...
Most days from my pre-mom working days blur together, but there's one conversation I remember well. It was with a coworker talking about how lonely her maternity leave was and how isolating new motherhood could be. She was happy...
Oh, that precious newborn time with those sweet baby cuddles and the impossible-to-replicate perfect smelling head. But we know those newborn days aren't all bliss. We also can't forget those sleepless nights and poo explosions. And don't forget all the...
I was 26 years old when I had my first child. My labor and birth went great. As great as it can be, right? Shortly after my daughter was born, she was whisked away to the NICU because she...
Becoming a mom is one of the most life-changing things you will ever go through and preparing for it can almost feel impossible when you have no idea what you're about to experience. Trust me . . . I've spent...
My second baby latched on for an hour right after birth. I thought he was going to do so great at breastfeeding. Fast forward a few hours to the all too familiar pain coming in. And then the cracks in...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...