Does texting replace face-to-face conversations? Of course not, but please hear me out.
I work full-time outside the home. While I love my job, working is a necessity for my family. I have a lot of guilt associated with working...
As the mom of five children, I have been involved in multiple sports and activities. Hands down, youth football was the best sport we were ever involved in. Three of my sons played youth football from elementary school up...
Moms, we need to embrace our space with just us in it.
What is space? When my kids were younger, I remember feeling like I would never have my own space. Even now, our youngest who is seven manages to...
I've been a sports parent for 15 years. (Whoa, how'd I get that old?) So I feel like I've been around the block with a lot of different programs and experiences. I'm a huge proponent of athletics because the...
When I was pregnant with our third child, my children, who were about to become the older siblings, were six and four. They were old enough to wonder how things would change when they had a baby brother or...
Getting out of the house with children is quite the feat. And if you're anything like me, arriving late to events is more stressful than most other circumstances in life.
Since having kids, I've grown more relaxed on start times...
Over the course of my life, I have learned that there are some questions that have polarizing responses. Really important things like: Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? Britney or Christina? Were Ross and Rachel on a break? Which Chris is...
Learning to speak "teen." I thought that once my youngest hit a certain age I would be past the point of having to translate the language of children. I mastered baby talk and conquered toddler babble. But then I had...
Entertaining teens and tweens can be quite the undertaking. But there's so much to do in the Albuquerque area. You're sure to find the perfect thing to do with any teen or tween you know. And if you're lucky,...
Forty-two. Thirty-eight. Ninety-nine. Set. Hiiiike!
My kids eat, sleep, breathe, and dream sports. I've heard them calling plays in their sleep. Around the house, it's constant chatter about who got traded to where and the most up-to-date league records. We're...
Look at this picture. You've seen hundreds like it on social media. Adorable, right? Cute baby playing with her dog, the dog lying down nicely as she approaches . . .
Actually, this photo is far from innocent and safe.
Undoubtedly, the teenage years are awkward and confusing for parents and adolescents. The obvious instigator is hormones, along with developing minds and bodies. Teens are trying to navigate a world at an in-between stage, not quite an adult but...
Being a parent in the age of the internet means you have access to a lot of information. While you can never be 100% prepared for all that goes along with parenting, you have some sort of idea of...
My favorite holiday just passed (May the Fourth), so I started looking around to find my next favorite holiday.
Did you even know there was a holiday dedicated to cleaning up your room?
According to several places on the...