The One Thing You Need to Make Your Summer Easier

This post is brought to you by Comcast. We at ABQ Mom choose to work with businesses that bring value to our readers.

The last days of school are upon us. Memorial Day Weekend is a stone’s throw away. And temperatures are steadily climbing. All this points to one thing . . . summer is here!

Bring on the pools, splash pads, summer movies, vacations, and summer camps! I love all things summer and how our lives slow down a little bit without school and homework and extracurricular activities.

The One Thing You Need to Make Your Summer Easier

I know I’m not alone in this, so I’ll just admit it. The start of summer also means more-than-usual screen time for my kids.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we don’t spend lots of time outside and put limits on screen time. (See below.) But sometimes mama’s gotta get things done.

I also know internet access can be expensive and monitoring our kids’ screen time can be hard. But those things don’t have to be true.

So here’s one thing that can make your summer easier . . . our partners at Comcast Xfinity.

Below are a few programs and features that Comcast provides that just may make your life easier.

1) Free Internet & Discounted Mobile Service Through Affordable Connectivity Program

Did you know that you could qualify for free internet and discounted mobile service? It’s true. Your kids’ summer screen time could be free to you. Get all the details here.

2) Low-Cost Computer

Internet Essentials customers have the option to purchase a new computer for only $150. This could be helpful during the summer and once the school year begins. Learn more here.

3) Xfinity xFi Parental Controls

We all know better than to let our kids roam the internet without supervision. And fortunately, Xfinity can help us out in that department. With xFi, parents can monitor when and how long their kids are online.

You can use the xFi screen time scheduling tool to help you craft a realistic summer schedule for your family. Take a look at this post to see how this works.

With this feature, parents can pause all devices, set a downtime schedule, establish active time limits, enable active time details, and turn on parental controls for safe browsing.

Happy summertime, Albuquerque families!