Ages & Stages

Keeping up with our kiddos during each stage of childhood.

When my oldest child was two and a half, he had two great loves: Elmo and Jesus. It was the height of the Tickle Me Elmo craze. And my in-laws had hunted down the prized toy for my son. Grandparents for...
Everyone loves a new baby. I get it. I had my second in November. And I don't ever want to put him down--which is good because he insists on being held 24/7 anyway, especially if I want him to...
This post is a follow-up to my previous post about dogs and babies for child safety month. Here we will focus on babies-on-the-go and older children. As anyone with a newly mobile baby or an older child knows, kids are quick...
Toddler parenting is a constant challenge. Whether it's getting them to eat, getting them dressed, or keeping them entertained for more than five minutes, it never seems to end! Over the past six months, I have tried countless activities with...
How can we possibly thank you for putting up with our kids' antics and um, putting up with us? Here's a an Ode to Volunteer Coaches, a tribute, if you will. But we're sure it doesn't even scratch the...
One of the most bittersweet aspects of motherhood is when your sweet little babies start to become independent toddlers and preschoolers. Everything becomes "I can do it" or "by myself," which is a nice load off your shoulders, but...
I hate being pregnant. I get hospitalization/four types of medication/nausea-level sick. I’m exhausted, hormonal, and sore. Pregnancy just isn’t my cup of tea. But this time, when it was over, I was crushed. The idea of the "baby blues"...
Breastfeeding is an extremely personal and important choice that each mother must make for herself, but like the old saying goes, it really does take a village (or at least some key support people) to empower mothers through this...
When my first son (Noah) was born, I was so excited about parenting because, my goodness, he was easy. His personality was chill, but also fun and he was just an easy addition to our family. When Noah was one...
Have you ever had one of those moments when your quiet mommy time turned into some sort of life lesson?  I sometimes try to convey the importance of mommy having alone time in the bathroom and make it a...
Entertaining teens and tweens can be quite the undertaking. But there's so much to do in the Albuquerque area. You're sure to find the perfect thing to do with any teen or tween you know. And if you're lucky,...
My husband and I joke that I should never go out to dinner with the family. When I go, the kids behave terribly. My husband frequently takes our three sons (ages 6, 4, and 1.5) out to a sit-down restaurant by...
I am officially a member of the two under two club! My son is two months old, and my daughter is almost 18 months. Juggling the needs of a baby and a toddler is hard work, but I'm doing...
My breastfeeding journey came to an abrupt end overnight. Sometimes we joke about things happening overnight with the understanding that it does not in fact happen over one night. But for me . . . it did. I nursed my baby...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...