This past weekend we had a family water gun fight in the front yard. My two-and-a-half-year-old son, David, is currently obsessed with water guns, trucks, and bulldozers, so he was thrilled. It can be tricky to keep an active toddler...
I have been a social worker for almost nine years now. I have worked many jobs and have experienced some amazing things during my short career. It has been an honor to look back on my life. I see...
I don't like cooking. I wish I did. Instead, I find cooking stressful, especially with interruptions to separate squabbling kids. Cooking with my kids “helping” is even harder. It takes longer. It's messier. Explaining everything takes more energy, and so does...
I've been a sports parent for 15 years. (Whoa, how'd I get that old?) So I feel like I've been around the block with a lot of different programs and experiences. I'm a huge proponent of athletics because the...
Help! My Kid's a Biter from Albuquerque Moms Blog

Help! My Kid’s a Biter!

Help! My kid's a Biter! He is sweet, kind, loving, and cuddly. But for some reason, when he feels threatened, he bites. It happened often when he was younger. He would bite his brother or sister when they smothered him...
Hello loves! My name is Jalyssa (juh-lee-suh) & I am an Albuquerque transplant. My husband serves in the U.S. Air Force & we have been stationed here for 4 years. I grew up in Southern California, lived in Germany,...
My father grew up in the heart of Yonkers, New York. He was a hopeless athlete, a brilliant communicator, a social butterfly, and an often distracted student. Even back in the 50s, he had qualities of what we would...
Sometimes I am simply underwhelmed (underwhelmed as in not impressed, not that I'm not overwhelmed like the rest of you). My life is not routine or boring, not for a second. I am a mother to three enthusiastically energetic...
Moms, we need to embrace our space with just us in it.  What is space? When my kids were younger, I remember feeling like I would never have my own space. Even now, our youngest who is seven manages to...
Kids have so much energy! Little kids are especially energetic. When winter hits and it's freezing, it can be difficult to let kids burn off energy outside. And when the days get colder, shorter, an darker, we move our play...
Have you ever been stuck in a "mom rut" that you just can't seem to shake? Our summer break started off on the wrong foot with nasty coughs, cancelled plans, two cranky kids, and one tired mama. Add in some...
I am terrible at sports. In fact, I stink at anything remotely athletic. As a kid, I did not find youth sports enjoyable. The idea of a friendly family game of softball or soccer literally makes my stomach hurt....
When my first son (Noah) was born, I was so excited about parenting because, my goodness, he was easy. His personality was chill, but also fun and he was just an easy addition to our family. When Noah was one...
As the mom of five children, I have been involved in multiple sports and activities. Hands down, youth football was the best sport we were ever involved in. Three of my sons played youth football from elementary school up...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...