How can we possibly thank you for putting up with our kids' antics and um, putting up with us? Here's a an Ode to Volunteer Coaches, a tribute, if you will. But we're sure it doesn't even scratch the...
My baby, the youngest of three turns two this month. Birthdays are always surrounded by a variety of emotions for mommas. Over my 6 years of mommahood, I've celebrated 11 birthdays for my children. I've never been overly emotional...
Entertaining teens and tweens can be quite the undertaking. But there's so much to do in the Albuquerque area. You're sure to find the perfect thing to do with any teen or tween you know. And if you're lucky,...
It has been incredibly hot in the 505 lately. And I don’t know about you, but my kids and I don’t get outside in the heat of the afternoon. We focus on getting our outdoor time first thing after...
Sometimes I have this delusion that my life ought to run like a well-oiled machine. Each family member knows what their responsibilities are and executes them perfectly. All the pieces of the family machine fall together without a hitch....
Like many of us, you've probably spent more time watching TV in the last few months than you typically do. When you're tired of Disney and tiger "sanctuaries," here are a few lesser-known documentaries worth checking out. These are...
I am officially a member of the two under two club! My son is two months old, and my daughter is almost 18 months. Juggling the needs of a baby and a toddler is hard work, but I'm doing...
Over the course of my life, I have learned that there are some questions that have polarizing responses. Really important things like: Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? Britney or Christina? Were Ross and Rachel on a break? Which Chris is...
Your big kid needs a booster. Yes, really. You've been diligent about buckling your child in, first in their baby "bucket," then their convertible seat, and finally their booster. Now your little one is not so little anymore--he's over four...
This post is a follow-up to my previous post about dogs and babies for child safety month. Here we will focus on babies-on-the-go and older children. As anyone with a newly mobile baby or an older child knows, kids are quick...
Summer is just around the corner, and it is a great time to enter the working world. It can be very daunting for those new to employment. Here are some tips to help your teen snag a summer job...
I don't know that I'd call us foodies, but my husband and I definitely like good food. We're also the parents of two lively little girls that we love to spend time with. We often eat a meal or...
Learning to speak "teen." I thought that once my youngest hit a certain age I would be past the point of having to translate the language of children. I mastered baby talk and conquered toddler babble. But then I had...
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. I recently read a book, Situational Ethics, by Rick Jordan that addresses dealing with a bully in a way that was definitely helpful to me. So I thought I'd share it with you too.  Rick Jordan...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...