Spring Recipe Round-Up


Over the years, our writers have submitted some delicious recipes that are perfect for this time of year. Some use fresh ingredients that grow this time of year. And others are traditional recipes for holidays in the spring. We’d love to hear about a favorite spring recipe you love during springtime.

Thank you to Menaul School for sponsoring this guide.

At Summer @ Menaul, we believe in the value of play. The most important elements of Summer @ Menaul are as follows: physical exercise and relationships, communication and cooperation skills, exploration and curiosity, problem-solving and adaptability, and imagination and reflection. They think kids need ample time that is under scheduled and that provides choices to develop healthy habits. As an alternative to screen or couch time, Summer @ Menaul offers a balance of activities that support social, emotional, and physical health. Students engage in a wide variety of activities without having to specialize in one skill or subject area. Summer @ Menaul is divided into two areas: Panther Camp for ages 5-10 and Adventure and Leadership Camp for ages 11-14. The cost of Summer @ Menaul is a weekly fee of $400 which includes everything: lunch, 2 snacks, Thursday field trips, and all supplies. Child drop-off is between 7:30 am and 9:00 am. Pick-up is between 3:45 pm and 4:30 pm. Aftercare is between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm and costs $10 per day.  Summer at Menaul begins June 10th and ends July 26th. To find out more, check out their website.

Recipes Perfect for Spring

Birds' Nest Cookies :: A Quick and Easy Spring Time Treat

Birds’ Nest Cookies :: A Quick and Easy Spring Time Treat

The thought of cooking with kids is appealing to me. I imagine we will learn some math as we measure ingredients and enjoy each others' company. And this does happen. But I am not...
The Hundred-Year-Old Carrot Cake Recipe

The Hundred-Year-Old Carrot Cake Recipe

Nothing says spring better than carrot cake. It's perfect for Easter or Mother's Day, a full moon, a Tuesday, your kids are going back to school . . . whatever. You don't need a...
Meatless Meals :: Five Vegetarian Recipes to Try

Meatless Meals :: Five Vegetarian Recipes to Try

A confession to start: I do NOT live on meatless meals alone. I really love a good burger and grilled chicken. So I haven't taken the plunge to completely vegetarian. But as my husband and I...
Easter Dinner Inspiration from Whole Foods Market

Easter Dinner Inspiration from Whole Foods Market

Anyone else get a little panicked as holidays approach? There's so much to do. Prepare the Easter baskets. Buy the Easter outfits. Do the Easter crafts. Dye the Easter eggs. And of course, prepare...
Home-Style Flavor Made Easy Just in Time For Easter, Pioneer, Albuquerque

Home-Style Flavor Made Easy Just in Time For Easter

As a self proclaimed foodie, I love a good meal. But there's something about classic comfort food involving gravy that is just oh-so-satisfying. When I got a chance to try out the roasted gravy line...
Weekday Vegetarian

Weekday Vegetarian: Plant-Based Eating for Meat Lovers

If you know me, you would not be surprised to hear one of my favorite foods is steak. There’s nothing like a medium-done filet with sizzling garlic butter . . . mmmm. But as I’m...
Beet and Goat Cheese Salad with Crab Cakes and Lemon Dill Vinaigrette

Beet and Goat Cheese Salad with Crab Cakes and Lemon Dill Vinaigrette

Do you ever eat something and think . . . I've gotta make that! That's the story of this beet and goat cheese salad. My husband and I visited family in California this summer. When...
mason jar soup, ABQ Mom

Mason Jar Soup in 5 Minutes

As the days get cooler, my motivation to meal prep starts to drop with the temperature. I prefer quicker meal ideas and almost anything I can make prep a mason jar. Moms frequently ask...
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Vanessa Bush
Vanessa loves her people and loves Albuquerque and has lots to say about both. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, Nate, and they have three kids (Micah, Corban, & Evangeline). Originally from Florida, she’s lived in Albuquerque since 2009 when she and her family relocated to start a new church. Even though she misses wearing flip-flops year-round, New Mexico has truly enchanted her, and the desert feels like home. When she is not chauffeuring children about town, Vanessa works as the Director of Strategy and part-owner of Truly Social Digital Marketing Agency, enjoys volunteering at church, loves watching college football, and drinks a little too much coffee. She is passionate about connecting women with each other, loving her people, and finding the good in her place. Follow her on Instagram @vanessamaebush.