Ages & Stages

Keeping up with our kiddos during each stage of childhood.

Everyone loves a new baby. I get it. I had my second in November. And I don't ever want to put him down--which is good because he insists on being held 24/7 anyway, especially if I want him to...
Time outs stopped working for us. Phases. Nothing pleasant comes to mind when I think of that word. Of course, I’m sure there are some lovely ones. I can almost remember them…I think. But mostly, when I say, “He’s going...
“Just wait until the terrible twos.” We’ve all heard it. The two-worded phrase has been ingrained in our brains since before our sweet babies were even a glimmer in our eyes. When my son was 18 months old, I...
Like many of us, you've probably spent more time watching TV in the last few months than you typically do. When you're tired of Disney and tiger "sanctuaries," here are a few lesser-known documentaries worth checking out. These are...
Autism reminds me of a rainbow. No two colors are the exact same shade. It would be difficult to find a person on the planet who doesn't find beauty in a rainbow. No two people who have autism or...
When my daughter was six weeks old, I returned to my full-time job with my breast pump bag on my shoulder and lots of postpartum emotions. Not only was I the newest on my team, I was now a...
As our children get older, the challenges of parenting shift from lack of sleep and potty training to friend feuds and struggles in school. There are thousands of online resources filled with tips and tricks for the baby and...
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, my son was only 18 months old. I didn't expect the pandemic to continue as long as it has, so teaching him how to wear a mask was not even a priority...
"I will never forget you. I will always remember you as a very special mom. You worked very hard in your breastfeeding journey." That's what Vanessa, "my" lactation consultant, told me in our very last conversation. My voice was cracking...
Introducing solids to your baby is an exciting milestone. I mean, who doesn't love food? When it was time to introduce our son to solid foods, we opted for baby-led weaning over spoon-feeding. Spoon feeding is exactly what it...
Nothing can fully prepare you to be a brand new mom. It’s really like the plot of a bad joke: you spend a few days in the hospital in a state of hormonal and sleep-deprived shock where they inundate you...
I don't take it for granted that we got very, very lucky. The night after our son David was born, he slept six hours in one stretch. In fact, the nurse had to come in and wake me up...
I made a list of rules before I was even pregnant, and I was sure that I would not break them. I will not use a playpen— it’s like a baby cage! I’m not going to breastfeed. It will...
My second baby latched on for an hour right after birth. I thought he was going to do so great at breastfeeding. Fast forward a few hours to the all too familiar pain coming in. And then the cracks in...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...