Ages & Stages

Keeping up with our kiddos during each stage of childhood.

My first pregnancy was bliss. No sickness, pain, or discomfort. I went on with my life as it was, working as a teacher and enjoying our new home in Albuquerque. As I approached my due date, I was nervous about...
When my oldest was a baby, I became interested in photography.  Taking pictures is a perfect hobby for me as I always have adorable clients, and I don't have to leave the house or find a babysitter to practice....
I don’t know about you, but I was blissfully unaware of the anxiety and guilt that enters your life when your first little baby enters the world. One of the blessings (or curses) is that there is a TON...
I’ll admit that I absolutely fit into the “soccer mom” demographic. I’m a stay-at-home mom, drive an SUV, and always have orange slices or a snack in my purse. However, there is one major difference between me and the...
My music education begins and ends with 6th grade orchestra. I vividly remember going into the orchestra room on the first day of middle school and sitting down in chairs arranged in a semicircle. I was excited to finally...
Believe me when I say the first two weeks of having a newborn weren’t easy. Especially breastfeeding. Not that it hurt or anything, but because my milk supply was just not there. Now please know that I also have an...
It has been incredibly hot in the 505 lately. And I don’t know about you, but my kids and I don’t get outside in the heat of the afternoon. We focus on getting our outdoor time first thing after...
I grew up in football country . . . American football. I was a football cheerleader and went to a huge football university. (Go Gators!) My hometown literally shut down on Friday nights because everyone--no really, everyone--was at the...
Toddler parenting is a constant challenge. Whether it's getting them to eat, getting them dressed, or keeping them entertained for more than five minutes, it never seems to end! Over the past six months, I have tried countless activities with...
When I became pregnant with our son David in 2014, we were overjoyed. We had been trying for years and experienced two miscarriages. So as the pregnancy progressed and everything looked good, we were very hopeful that this would...
"Mom, I seriously don't know how to do any of the problems on this test." The day Levi said this, I began asking, "Does my child have a learning disability?" It was late in the fall of 2021, and we'd...
My breastfeeding journey came to an abrupt end overnight. Sometimes we joke about things happening overnight with the understanding that it does not in fact happen over one night. But for me . . . it did. I nursed my baby...
Do you find yourself trying to remember that funny thing your kid said just the other day? Are you constantly trying to relate that cute conversation you had with your little one, only to find that you can't remember...
I sat there with tears rolling down from my eyes . . . again. I had no idea breastfeeding would hurt this bad. What was I doing wrong? I felt like I was failing. I was mere weeks into being a...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...