Ages & Stages

Keeping up with our kiddos during each stage of childhood.

Last school year my son started pre-k. And boy was I super excited that he was going to learn new things everyday. Little did I know, I would be the one learning something new. As a mother, you see your...
Turning Red was the film we needed to normalize puberty. The transition from girlhood to womanhood is uncharted territory and, honestly, awkward. The film itself has sparked so much debate from parents. But, I want to share why it...
Motherhood is all about seasons, but potty training season is my least favorite. I have successfully toilet-trained one child and we're in the thick of it with the second. When friends ask for my potty training advice, I look...
I recently read this article and found it very encouraging, because the author’s experience potty training her son(s) is very similar to my own.  To all the moms who are in the midst of this particular battle, keep going....
I don't like cooking. I wish I did. Instead, I find cooking stressful, especially with interruptions to separate squabbling kids. Cooking with my kids “helping” is even harder. It takes longer. It's messier. Explaining everything takes more energy, and so does...
In the United States, 380,000 babies are born prematurely each year (before 37 weeks); that's one in 10 births. The needs of NICU parents and the parents of preemies are different in some ways to the needs of parents of...
I was 26 years old when I had my first child. My labor and birth went great. As great as it can be, right? Shortly after my daughter was born, she was whisked away to the NICU because she...
I am always looking for ways to entertain my baby a.k.a. baby hacks. Baby hacks need to be quick, simple, and easily repeated. Here are some of my favorite baby hacks that keep my one-year-old entertained every day. 1. Box of Tissues I discovered...
This Is Not What We Prepared For I've been waiting for the tears for 17 years. Nate started preschool before he was three years old. I was proud he potty trained early and was eager to "go to school." He...
My niece made homemade gifts for everyone for the holidays. They were sweet, adorable, and she had clearly thought about each one of us during their selection. They brought both a grin to my face and tears to my...
It was a warm summer’s day. My kids and I were outside for our daily dose of vitamin D and vitamin N (nature!). My oldest son was playing on the swing set. I was picking weeds. And my youngest son...
I made a list of rules before I was even pregnant, and I was sure that I would not break them. I will not use a playpen— it’s like a baby cage! I’m not going to breastfeed. It will...
Lately, our three-year-old has been going up to people and asking, "How old are you?" He particularly likes doing this with grandmotherly older ladies. The first few times he did it I cringed with embarrassment. Then it occurred to...
"I will never forget you. I will always remember you as a very special mom. You worked very hard in your breastfeeding journey." That's what Vanessa, "my" lactation consultant, told me in our very last conversation. My voice was cracking...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...