As young kids grow they are naturally curious and creative. It's a great time to get them thinking about the world around them. There are many exploration and science activities that help toddlers, preschoolers, and beyond learn to explain their...
Note: When this blog post was written, person-first language was the generally preferred convention for speaking about autism. We realize that terminology changes over time and there is current discussion and advocacy for the use of identity-first language. At...
Autism reminds me of a rainbow. No two colors are the exact same shade. It would be difficult to find a person on the planet who doesn't find beauty in a rainbow. No two people who have autism or...
My son David is almost four. He is talking more and more, growing like a weed, and absorbing so much. It is becoming more and more apparent that he is an extrovert. He thrives on being around people. He...
I love introducing solids to my babies. The looks on their faces as they taste their first "real" foods are priceless. With each of my kids I have loosely followed a baby-led weaning philosophy. My third baby, Zoey, is almost six...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...