Your big kid needs a booster. Yes, really. You've been diligent about buckling your child in, first in their baby "bucket," then their convertible seat, and finally their booster. Now your little one is not so little anymore--he's over four...
I've been a sports parent for 15 years. (Whoa, how'd I get that old?) So I feel like I've been around the block with a lot of different programs and experiences. I'm a huge proponent of athletics because the...
I grew up in football country . . . American football. I was a football cheerleader and went to a huge football university. (Go Gators!) My hometown literally shut down on Friday nights because everyone--no really, everyone--was at the...
This past weekend we had a family water gun fight in the front yard. My two-and-a-half-year-old son, David, is currently obsessed with water guns, trucks, and bulldozers, so he was thrilled. It can be tricky to keep an active toddler...
Getting out of the house with children is quite the feat. And if you're anything like me, arriving late to events is more stressful than most other circumstances in life. Since having kids, I've grown more relaxed on start times...

The Perfect Mom Myth

Do you ever feel like being a perfect mom is a moving target? "Don't do this, make sure you do that, but don't do it too much." If you are hoping that reading parenting columns will clear up any questions...
It has been incredibly hot in the 505 lately. And I don’t know about you, but my kids and I don’t get outside in the heat of the afternoon. We focus on getting our outdoor time first thing after...
My father grew up in the heart of Yonkers, New York. He was a hopeless athlete, a brilliant communicator, a social butterfly, and an often distracted student. Even back in the 50s, he had qualities of what we would...
Traveling internationally with small kids is a big undertaking. However, here are my top 5 tips to tackling it. Patience Patience More patience Advil As much of the house as you can fit in your luggage Two years ago, my husband...
Yassss! The end of the school year is upon us! I'm sharing a super cute, printable Stay-in-Touch Cards for Kids, sure to make their summer sparkle a little brighter. Gone are the late nights of homework, evening sports practices,...
Sometimes I am simply underwhelmed (underwhelmed as in not impressed, not that I'm not overwhelmed like the rest of you). My life is not routine or boring, not for a second. I am a mother to three enthusiastically energetic...
Over the course of my life, I have learned that there are some questions that have polarizing responses. Really important things like: Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? Britney or Christina? Were Ross and Rachel on a break? Which Chris is...
Learning to speak "teen." I thought that once my youngest hit a certain age I would be past the point of having to translate the language of children. I mastered baby talk and conquered toddler babble. But then I had...
Moms, we need to embrace our space with just us in it.  What is space? When my kids were younger, I remember feeling like I would never have my own space. Even now, our youngest who is seven manages to...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...