Toddler Hair Inspiration + Tips for Fast and Adorable Styles


The day we found out we were having a little girl I started daydreaming of playing dress-up and doing fun hairstyles. I knew I was made to be a girl mom, and so far, it has exceeded my expectations.

We started with bows on day one and have not looked back!

I decided to document my daughter’s hairstyles to push me to be creative while trying different hairstyles–and it’s been a blast! She loves showing off her hair and helping me count her hair ties or identify hair tie color . . . I’ll count this as a learning experience for her.

Currently, my “baby” is almost two and has about shoulder blade length hair, so there are so many fun things we can do. The longer her hair gets the more fun styles I get to practice. Although I’ve been doing her hair since she was about three months old and we have never had any issues with her sitting still, one thing I’ve learned is I need to be quick! Having all the correct tools on hand can help you be lightning fast, giving your little one no time to grow impatient and help you keep your morning routine in check!


All of her bows and large clips are hanging in her closet, and as all girl moms know, you can never have enough bows. Personally, I get most of my bows from Etsy, my monthly bow subscriptions, or bow shops. Here are a few of my favorite places for bows:


Bitsy Bow

Chic Pipsqueak

Jojo Boutique 


For all of the other hair tools, I use this small stackable box to help me keep everything organized in one spot. It has four individual storage boxes. Two are segmented and perfect for hair ties and small clips. The other two are where I keep larger items such as combs, brushes, hair loop tools, hair tie cutters, alligator clips, alcohol-free gel, glitter gel, kids’ detangler, and a spray bottle.

toddler hair

Most of these tools are pretty basic, but the most important to me are the hair ties and elastics. I’ve gone through so many different kinds. It definitely depends on the hairstyle and the amount of hold you need. For most of these styles, I use colorful little elastic bands, but they aren’t for hair! I accidentally purchased these mini rubber bands for arts and crafts. Sounds scary, but they are amazing! We use two at a time because they are delicate and will snap! They have never pulled any of her hair and quite literally slide off of her hair if it’s wet. They have been perfect for us! We also use the regular clear or black goody elastics and of course all the cute mini braided hair ties and mini cotton hair ties (these look precious but are a little bulkier).

Hair Prep

Not sure who needs to hear this, but please do NOT use hot tools on your toddler! Their hair is so fine and they move so much that it can be dangerous.

We never use any kind of irons or blow dryers. In order to get some curls or texture into her hair, I twist her hair into four big sections using only my fingers after a bath and let it air dry. This gives her the sweetest curls and works with all the hairstyles! Braids also work wonders and can give you wonderful curls/waves!

Toddler Hairstyles
Hair curls

I like to use a leave-in kids conditioner whenever I need to brush or comb through any amount of hair. Working with wet/damp hair is much easier.

Now for the hairstyles. These range from about two minutes to 12 minutes and are perfect for every occasion.

The Segmented Pony

Toddler Hairstyles

The Bubble Pony

Toddler Hairstyles
Adding bubbles/puffs can change any style.

Segmented Piggies

Toddler Hairstyles

The Bubble Piggies

Toddler Hairstyles
Bubbles/puffs in the piggies.

Braided Piggies

Toddler Hairstyles

French Braids

Toddler Hairstyles
Classic French Braids. Fast and lasts all day!

Dutch Braids

Toddler Hairstyles

Pull Through Braids

Toddler Hairsyles
For those who can’t braid. 😉

Heart Piggies

Toddler Hairstyles
Fun part piggies. Adding a fun part can elevate even the simplest of piggies.

Asymmetrical Top Part Piggies

Toddler Hairstyles

Rey Buns

Toddler Hairstyles
So the force is with her all day.

Buns with Back Details

Toddler Hairstyles

Buns with Front Details

Toddler Hairstyles

Asymmetrical Part Buns

Toddler hairstyles

Segmented Top Knots

Toddler Hairstyles

Double Segmented Top Knots

Toddler Hairstyles

French Braid Top Knots

Toddler Hairstyles

Head Band

Toddler Hairstyles
A perfect way to have your hair down and out of your face.

Top Details

Toddler Hairstyles

Pull Through Half Up

Toddler Hairstyles

Segmented Top, Hair Down

Toddler Hairstyles

Top Knot Trio

Toddler Hairstyles

Remember you can mix and match all the styles! Add bubble puffs, pull-through ponies, and bows to change it up.

Follow ABQ Mom on Instagram to see step-by-step instructions on these and other styles. Happy Styling!

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