We Can Do This: Just the Facts About COVID Vaccines

This content was paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and ABQ Mom is proud to support the effort to share facts about COVID-19 vaccines. For more information or to find vaccines near you, visit vaccines.gov; text your ZIP code to 438829 (GETVAX); or call 1-800-232-0233.

I don’t know about you, but the number of decisions I’ve had to make in the past year and a half due to the pandemic is astronomical. Actually, research tells us that parents, in particular, are more stressed than ever because of the overwhelming amount of decisions we have to make on a daily basis. The more dependents we have the more decisions we have to make. Hence, the more pressure we are under.

decisions, decision, COVID-19 vaccine children

Do we wear masks in this particular setting or not?

Virtual school or in-person school?

Should I get vaccinated or not?

Is it OK to get together with people?

Do I take my baby in public?

What about summer camp or extracurricular activities?

Should we invite people to our house or go to theirs?

Do we go to events even if they’re indoors?

What kind of masks should I wear?

Should I travel with my kids?

Moms, I know you have faced decision after decision. And I feel you! This season of COVID-19 has been so hard. And sometimes it feels as though there are no perfect answers.

Recently, the FDA authorized a vaccine for everyone age 5 and over. Both CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend all children 5 and older get a COVID vaccine as soon as possible.

decisions, decision, COVID-19 vaccine children

I realize one of the biggest decisions all of us as parents are facing right now is whether or not to get our children vaccinated. So in an effort to make that decision process just a little bit easier, we’ve partnered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to share facts about COVID vaccines.

Obviously, this topic is highly personal and is ultimately up to you as parents. But I know that having factual information when I was deciding whether or not to vaccinate my children was so valuable. And I’m happy to provide this information to you as well in one easy-to-access place.

Just the Facts About Children, Teens, & COVID Vaccines

  • COVID is a greater threat to your child than any potential risk from side effects of the vaccines.
  • Even though it’s rare for kids to get severely ill from COVID, it can happen – and it’s even more likely they could spread the virus to other people who are at greater risk.
  • Since August, 1 in 5 new COVID cases have been in kids.
  • COVID vaccines are safe and are given to those 5-11 in smaller doses that have been specially tailored for younger children.
  • In clinical trials, children had the same kinds of temporary side effects from COVID vaccines that adults have, such as pain at the injection site, tiredness, or headache.

Check out this FAQ page for answers to parents’ most frequently asked questions regarding vaccines.

It’s also a great idea to talk to your doctor if you have questions about COVID vaccines.

Where To Find A Vaccine

It’s easier than ever to get vaccinated against COVID so that we can have peace of mind as parents and help protect our children and our community. Head to vaccines.gov or vacunas.gov to learn where to find vaccines near you.

decisions, decision, COVID-19 vaccine children

Getting Back To a More Normal Lifestyle

I’m looking forward to my kids going to school without masks someday. I can’t wait to attend church or a sporting event or a wedding without that little nagging worry I carry around in my back pocket these days.

Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect our families and make life safer for everyone. Together we can do this.

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Vanessa Bush
Vanessa loves her people and loves Albuquerque and has lots to say about both. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, Nate, and they have three kids (Micah, Corban, & Evangeline). Originally from Florida, she’s lived in Albuquerque since 2009 when she and her family relocated to start a new church. Even though she misses wearing flip-flops year-round, New Mexico has truly enchanted her, and the desert feels like home. When she is not chauffeuring children about town, Vanessa works as the Director of Strategy and part-owner of Truly Social Digital Marketing Agency, enjoys volunteering at church, loves watching college football, and drinks a little too much coffee. She is passionate about connecting women with each other, loving her people, and finding the good in her place. Follow her on Instagram @vanessamaebush.


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