Hot dogs, baseball, apple pie, and fireworks. These are a few of my favorite things, and also things that can be enjoyed on 4th of July. We rounded up a list of activities in Albuquerque for you and your...
When my wonderful mother-in-law suggested making a recipe memory box for my daughter, I thought it was the best possible holiday gift! It's history, love, tradition, and culture all wrapped into one package. It's a celebrated fact in our home...
Last year, I was chatting with a friend after Mother's Day. Our conversation went a bit like this: How was your Mother's Day? It was fine . . . Yeah, it was okay. We were working on a home improvement project...
I've heard the word "smalliday" to describe a scaled-down holiday celebration that strives to reduce over-consumption and over-excessive gift-giving. It brought me back to reality and had me truly thinking about the meaning of the season. I knew this...
This year as you pick out holiday gifts for your people, why not buy from businesses right here in the Albuquerque area? Put your money back into our local economy, and support the hard working men and women in...
  "I'm celebrating Father's Day with memories this year." Admittedly, it's a strange statement. But celebrating Father's Day hasn't been a tradition for me for a long time. My father passed away when I was 10, and I was always...
It's true confession time. I have a hard time putting my kids' homemade ornaments on the Christmas tree. I'm sorry! But when I sit down to relax on a cold night in December, I want to sit in front...
I'm the type of person that loves having some decorations around for every holiday. This year, I decided to create my own Valentine's Day decorations using items I mainly found from The Dollar Tree. They are easy to make...
A popular Easter tradition in the southwest is making confetti or Cascarón Eggs. They are fun to make and even better to break, showering the recipient head to toe with confetti. You can buy Cascarón Eggs in stores now, but if...
Valentine's Day approaches, fellow Albuquerque moms. The aisles at the grocery glow pink and red, bursting with chocolates and stuffed animals. Commercials show couples having romantic meals and walks, giving and receiving jewelry. Even a mom and dad deep...
I used to think that incorporating the Elf on the Shelf to our family tradition would be fun. Turns out that elf is a lot more responsibility than I had originally thought. See the thing with this Elf on...
It's the perfect time of year to egg your friends and neighbors. No, not THAT kind of "egg." We're talking about the fun kind of "egg." Leave a fun "you've been egged" surprise in your friends' and neighbors' yard...
My husband and I are not big on common traditions.  We rarely decorate the house for holidays or birthdays, and if you ask us what we're doing for the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving, we'll probably look at each...
I wouldn't say that I am good at making and keeping holiday traditions for my family. In the past, traditions have seemed like a lot of work and my kids were too little to really care. There is one...

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In + Around ABQ

Guide to Pools and Splashpads in the Albuquerque Area

As temperatures rise and the end of the school year approaches, pools and splash pads will be making their debut, and just in time...