Dear Baby, I carried you for ten short weeks - two-and-a-half months. It wasn't long enough to know your hair or eye color. It wasn't long enough to feel your kicks. But it was long enough to learn to love you. It...
We all know we should probably drink more water, especially in our dry New Mexico climate. Not only does staying hydrated keep our bodies healthy, but it keeps our skin clear and hair shiny (and who doesn't want that?)....
No one ever told me a breastfeeding infection was a thing. Imagine my surprise when one week in my breast started hurting even worse, and I started to feel awful. Just the thing we need with a newborn, right?...
Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15-October 15. Albuquerque has many activities and events associated with this month. Check them out here. I am not Hispanic, but my children are Latinos. I want them to celebrate who they are and where...
How can we possibly thank you for putting up with our kids' antics and um, putting up with us? Here's a an Ode to Volunteer Coaches, a tribute, if you will. But we're sure it doesn't even scratch the...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a true musical prodigy. Forced to a harsh practice routine by his father, by age six he was creating compositions. He wrote his first opera at 14. But most kids do not, and should not,...
I just got off he phone with one of my favorite moms in the whole world. She said in tears, "I am the worst mom ever." She proceeded to tell me the story of events that transpired this morning...
As a working mom, I love date night. It means I get a baby-free evening to hang out with my husband. I spend some extra time on my hair and makeup and feel a little more like my pre-baby...
I’m a summer momma and love being outside sipping on cool smoothies. This year I’ll admit that I look forward to cooler weather while enjoying some healthy warm drinks. One of my favorite parts of autumn is snuggling up...
I can only imagine what someone would think about our date night. Two people sitting in a booth just staring at their phones. Yes, it's ironic to imagine that we would spend our only alone time together on our...
E-cigs, vape pens, Juuls, call them whatever you want. They all basically do the same thing. Vaping is when these devices are used to, discreetly, and without a smell, inhale some substance. People often use them in places where...
Imagine travelling and experiencing captivating cultures from around the world. The language, the art, the music, the people. It sounds dreamy right? Now imagine doing that with children. Still dreamy, but travelling with children can be stressful (why do...
The voice in my head isn’t always so kind, especially in a critical world. Sometimes it spews out a stream of criticism, disdain, and vitriol that, as my husband gently reminds me, I wouldn’t let fly at anyone else....
Nothing will ever be exactly as it is right now again. That's why the investment of photography is so important. Are you looking for a local photographer to capture your beautiful growing family? Perhaps you need maternity shots, a...

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In + Around ABQ

Guide to May in Albuquerque

May is here! Spring is in full swing and local happenings are too. We are sure to have something for everyone in this month's...