The ABCs of Homebirth


We have always had the desire for an unmedicated and natural birth. This pointed us in the direction of the Bradley Method®, finding an experienced midwife, and ultimately pursuing a homebirth. Here are the main reasons we chose this path even when things didn’t always go as planned. And here’s why we still chose homebirth now–yes, even in our 40s!

There is no place like home . . . even to have a baby! Although I have a long list of reasons I love homebirth, I simplified it with the ABCs.


Hospitals are busy places, and I’m thankful for them especially when they are necessary. I never felt comfortable going to them although my mom still teases me that when I was little, I tried to find every excuse for her to take me in! A regular check-up today will show you that it is a juggling act for doctors to see their patients, even in labor and delivery. For a homebirth, you have your midwife, an assistant or midwife-in-training, you, your significant other, and whomever else you choose! They are all there to support YOU!


The Bradley Method and Our First Home to Hospital Birth Story

As I mentioned above, when we wanted to pursue an unmedicated and natural birth, we were introduced to The Bradley Method®. This method teaches that many women will be able to have a natural birth with the help of a supportive partner. It encourages self-awareness and prepares women for labor by teaching breathing and relaxation techniques. There’s an emphasis on trusting our own bodies that were made to give birth!

In 2010, my husband and I went through Bradley classes and felt very confident in using this method to bring our first baby into the world. At that time, we lived in Los Lunas. I had a contraction app downloaded on my phone to be ready and to know when to call our midwives. I felt what I believed to be my water breaking in the middle of the night and tried to let my husband rest before I woke him up.

As contractions came and went through the next day, he helped me relax, rest, walk and just held on to me when needed. He was and is the best coach!

Throughout that next day, I labored at home until baby decided to flip and got into a breech position the next night. At that point, our midwives called their doctor at UNMH and we rushed there to find him and his staff waiting to help us deliver our baby. Thankfully, I was still allowed to labor and try an unmedicated and natural delivery because the doctor could tell baby was under six pounds.

I remember all of it fairly well. A core memory though is when I was laying down on the hospital bed and being wheeled into the OR. In what seemed to be the last chaotic moments, there was one nurse who whispered in an angelic way in my ear. I don’t remember her exact words but they were comforting and what I needed to hear.

I received great care at the hospital and believe this was the best decision for this delivery, but we decided to continue to pursue homebirths and continue to use the Bradley Method for our future babies.

homebirth transfer to hospital
Homebirth transfer to hospital due to breech position.


Comfort of Being Home for Our Next Three Homebirths

Home Sweet Home! There is nothing like being in a place that you are very familiar with. Where you spend most of your time and have worked hard to make it a HOME. Your family knows those places in your house where everything happens and the stories to go along with it–where you find your quiet place, your bed, bath, and even outside areas where you love to spend time or walk. You even have your fridge and pantry filled with all your favorite foods, your favorite place on the couch, and your old but comfy chair. Everything has a place that you chose for it, and if no one knows where to find something, mom does!

Home is the place where a mom or mom-to-be can birth naturally without any unwanted interruptions. And she can freely eat and labor in whatever way makes her comfortable!

Our second and third births were very similar. They were both water babies and were born in the same home in Albuquerque that we were renting at the time. I was able to walk around freely, eat when I needed, and call on our midwives when the time was right. The water was always my first desire. Water is so soothing for me and comfortable, so I was thankful to find out about birthing pools!

With our fourth baby, we had actually moved back into our original Los Lunas home to get it ready to sell. I knew this labor was different because I didn’t want to be in the water after a while. Labor was more painful due to back labor and the position of our little one. As a result, I tried different positions that turned out painful as well, but all made way for our baby to arrive. This baby did not arrive in the water like our last two, but in front of our toilet as that was the last place where I felt most comfortable.

Our midwife gave us space and let us have our time and special moment to catch our own baby. It felt full circle as we were back to where it started with our first pregnancy.

Our third homebirth!

I am currently pregnant with our fifth child but really our seventh as we will never forget the two that we lost in between the others. We look forward to having another homebirth. But this time, it will be in our current home which was my grandparents’ home when I was growing up.

Even though our fourth baby came with a little more work, I feel very good this pregnancy. I know getting in better shape, yoga, hiking in our beautiful New Mexico mountains, and staying busy with our other children have helped. I’m thankful for the support I have from my family, friends, my church family, and my midwife and team. I’ve also changed some eating habits and found amazing supplements that basically changed my life a couple years ago.

I hope that my birth stories where mostly everything went right can be an encouragement to some women who may want to pursue homebirth as well. Although we may not always be perfectly ready, I’m thankful to have this little growing blessing, and I’m excited for what lies ahead for our family even though I never imagined I’d have a baby boy at age 41.

I’m grateful that we have the birthing options that are best for our families and that we are most comfortable with at that particular time. We are so grateful for our homebirths and look forward to adding another!

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