Becca Lusko Toups

Becca Lusko Toups
Becca is a stay-at-home "Mom-ager" with four kids and a wonderfully blended family. She is retired from corporate cosmetics management, but pieces together countless side hustles as a makeup artist, doing interior design and styling, creating custom fiber wall art, and coaching high school volleyball. She has been in Albuquerque most of her life but has also lived in enough other states long enough to know how amazing the weather is here in New Mexico! Becca and her husband David have two teenagers, a preteen, and a kindergartener. This keeps parenting VERY interesting and busy from driver's ed and dating to storytime and dress up. She loves finding humor in the everyday, figuring out how to DIY almost anything around the house, cooking with her husband, keeping active with a myriad of sports and fitness, as well a celebrating all holidays. Follow Becca on Instagram or check out her website.
invisible load of motherhood

The Invisible Load of Motherhood :: NM Momcast | Episode 2

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon MusicThe mental load of motherhood is the invisible work of managing a household and family, often referred to as cognitive labor. It's not just physical tasks. But it's overseeing tasks, delegating,...
Why the Family Vacation Is Overrated (and What You Can Do About It)

Why the Family Vacation Is Overrated (and What You Can Do About It)

It's that time of year . . . our social media feeds are blowing up with images of smiling families on tropical beaches, at amusement parks, and on epic adventures, right?  Unpopular opinion: I...